Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Working For The Man

I went downtown this morning around 9am and drove past the county courthouse. What I saw was disgusting. There was businessperson after businessperson wearing identical suits all walking almost completely in single file. And nobody was looking twice. No expressions. Just business as usual. How sad that there was no real life there, just the mechanical actions of a machine in motion.


Tripp said...

The sight of men in suits reminds me of the cult/church I escaped(the Mormon church). All the men in near-identical suits, all the women in dresses or blouses+skirts. All cookie-cutter-ness, no blurring of the two at all, which is one of the many reasons I left.

Amari said...

Oh hear hear! I grew up in a Mennonite community, so I have a pretty good idea of exactly the separations you're talking about. I've spoken with a number of folks who have managed to get out of those strict communities; it always amazes me that any of us have managed to turn out as well-adjusted as we have.

Thanks for holding your fist up for others to see in our fight against all the cookie-cutters, the doughmakers, and the system that makes them possible.