Thursday, November 6, 2008

Letter to Obama

So you've been [overwhelmingly] elected. We the people have spoken and we clearly stated we want change. We want positive change that will restore our full rights, that will diminish our economic hardships, that will reinvigorate our drive to participate in a true republic, that will earn peace towards America from a world in which we have shamed our namesake for so long. Are you up to this level of change? If any sort of mandate has been given, it certainly is this mandate and not that we will blindly follow behind another administration's blundering, harmful, destructive actions. Obama, are you willing to accept this mandate?
We the people have not raised our hands to elect someone who will be cowed by corporations or who will be pressured into selling out the people for the greed and/or interests of the corrupt few. Obama, are you ready to follow through on your promises?
There are many who didn't vote for you because they didn't believe you have what it takes. There are many who voted for you despite not believing you have what it takes. There are many who voted for you because they hope you have what it takes. Obama, will you let us all down? Prove to us that you can do it right- that you can do right by us all. Rather than just being the lesser of two evils, we want you to stand up and do some real good.
Your campaign slogan was "change we can believe in." I'm sure you put on fresh underwear every morning. That's change I can believe in. It's not the change I'm willing to settle for, though. Let's revamp the slogan. Now that you're not trying to do the campaign dance around the few delegates you couldn't afford to piss off, let's really vamp things up. Let's go with something like "radical change we can believe in." Let's go with "wide-sweeping change we can believe in." Let's go with "lots of positive change to benefit we the people that we have only previously dreamed of being able to believe in." Fulfill those dreams.

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