Friday, April 17, 2009

The small things.

Its funny how there are so many small things in life that are normally overlooked but really create such a huge impact in our lives. Take, for example, eating breakfast. Sure, we all remember our grade school nutrition lessons about how "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" blah blah blah. But really. I think that whoever came up with that was on to something. I'm not talking strictly from a nutritional point of view here either. Breakfast, when its eaten purposely, helps start the day off right. Especially when it's shared. 
There are so many things that could be listed here. Showers. Laying in bed- not doing anything else (or sleeping) but just laying there. Watching over a garden. Turning the compost pile. Mowing the lawn. Silence. Smiles. Hugs. Warmth. Tea. Walking. Dancing. Getting cards from someone you love. Dreaming. Planning. Scheming. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thinking too much.

I used to say that given enough free time I could eat myself alive with my thoughts. Now I think that it just doesn't matter. I'll eat myself alive anyhow. Its just more exhausting to do it without having much free time.
I think that modern life is unhealthy. You work all day and go home tired to eat till you feel like a pig and then go to bed. Wake up unrested and do it all over again. And then the weekends come around and there's so much to do that you couldn't get to over the week that your exhausted come Monday morning still. Even a weekend with nothing planned turns into lots going on. It's a nasty cycle.
I think that relationships take so much work. Friends, family, lovers, and otherwise. Sometimes I wonder if its worth the energy it takes to maintain those relationships- if I'd be better off spending that energy on myself. Sometimes I wonder how I can make more- that I don't have enough right now either. But again, coming back to the energy it takes to maintain- it takes even more to make a relationship. And since I'm not in college anymore I forgot how to. Maybe that's just as well.