Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Friends To Remain

There are times when everything is dark and it never will end,

As if the precious light Heaven is refusing to send.


Depression becomes easy as we fall to the dirt,

All life and all love have turned into hurt.


Hurt turns to hate and big it does grow,

Where it will end we can never know.


Void of strength we lay on our side,

From painful emotions we want to hide.


Everything negative gets put under lock,

Our very life it just seems to mock.


At night we toss and at night we turn,

For there's a life lesson we have yet to learn.


Often it seems we're at the end of our road,

That's when a friend comes along to lighten our load.


They've come to offer their hand and their heart,

We feel lighter- it's a start- it's a start!


With love comes the light and darkness does lift,

Through broken emotions we finally are able to sift.


The big lesson becomes easy to see,

Love is much needed in the life of you and of me.


Be it in time or be it in space,

In my heart you always have a little place.


Into mine I'll take your hand,

That we might walk to a better land.


And though together we might not always be,

Friends to remain always are we.