Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tarot Readings

From time to time I have delved into the realm of the Tarot cards. Nothing formal. Nothing too serious. Just an interest- a boost to meditation. Tonight I ran three readings- 2 for friends and 1 for myself. If nothing else it left me worn out. I knew that reading the tarot takes some energy- but back to back readings for other people and then yourself is particularly draining. I think what made it even harder tonight was that I was doing readings for people who are close to me- who I care for deeply. I'd like to think that my own energies didn't play into their readings- that they didn't alter the interpretations or the spread. But I know it did, even if just a little. 
I think that the most upsetting part of it all was that my readings tonight were very accurate. I wrote an email to someone special this morning, pouring out my heart. And tonight I got that email back almost word for word in my reading. Sometimes it really hurts being so accurate. The positive spin on it all is that at least this affirmation means I'm not making everything up. It also means that knowing the possible outcome will enable me to make choices to avoid it. Knowing is half the battle, no? The final word on tonight was that "nobody knows the future". Thankfully, that's true. Now, to be masters of our own destiny...

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