Monday, August 25, 2008

Put Together to Fall Apart

It seems that there is a big misunderstanding going on in the trans community. The main premise behind the misunderstanding is this: the individual trans folks look at the others and think that all the others have everything so well put together- have everything figured out, but they themselves don't. So which is it? Are we all so well put together, are we all beyond help, or are we all just really good at pretending and putting on a good face? I think it's the last one, that we all have our strengths and weaknesses. It's just more obvious for some people.

This brings me to a second point of consideration. Quite often I hear/solicit people's opinions about media portrayals of transfolk. I have always found very mixed reviews. Some people look at movies, etc and say that it was very fictional and that the media just wanted to "put them through the wringer" for the sake of showing every bad possibility that could happen. Other people (myself often included) look at the same movies, etc and say that while the story is often glamorized, they quite often are very accurate portrayals of what so many of us go through. So, is this just a small difference of opinion or is it a huge difference of privilege and experience? I believe it's the latter. 

So, the moral of the story? I could spout off some rhetoric about everyone being different and about the need to understand other people's position in life. I'd rather leave it all for you to think about for yourself though. Feel free to leave a comment about what you've come to in conclusions.

"To be a professional actor, you have to play people you don't like. God knows I play one everyday." -David Rider

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