Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Misc trains of thought.

Moving is so much easier when you have help.

Creating a home (not just decorating a house) with someone is an amazing experience.

The feeling of dirt on your hands is a stress-reliever... especially if its from working in the garden.

Getting pleasure from touch is such an odd concept. Does it really work as a true sensation on its own or is it merely the absence of pain?

Drawing on paper is fun. Drawing on canvas is enjoyable. Drawing on a living canvas is exciting.

Its an accomplishment to remember to shut off all the lights at the end of the day. Then again, its an accomplishment to remember. Period.

Creating a grocery list can result in buying just as many groceries as going shopping hungry.

Sometimes its a very good thing to spend money buying toys instead of paying bills.

Mushrooms leave gray stains.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when you post.

And yes the pleasure of touch is a feeling in its own right. If you don't believe so, I'll help you find out.