Friday, May 30, 2008

LGBTQ Health Summit

Discussing for more the actual LGBTQ Health conference I attended, I noticed many things. One, the arguments and issues brought up are the same ones that have been brought up at the last 3 or 4 conferences. Nothing has changed. I noticed at the end of this conference all the charts with the issues were posted up front and the speaker said that they would go back to the CDC and to DHHS and to the conference planning committee to be addressed. Sadly, I think that many people left the conference thinking that they did their part and now that the agencies know of the community’s needs that it will get corrected. There is a general “things are getting done” attitude that is very misleading. It means that there isn’t any need to go further, that there isn’t any need for all of us to actually do the work individually and as groups. Things couldn’t be so wrong! There were about 180 people at this last conference. If those 180 people all went out and acted there will be a much greater and faster change than leaving it to the government agencies. So, lets make an action plan for all of us:

1. Question what is going on.

2. Challenge the status quo.

3. Educate yourself about the issues. All of them, not just the ones affecting you.

4. Voice opinions.

5. Talk to other people.

6. Vote.

7. Talk to your health care providers and educate them.

8. Volunteer your time.

9. Donate money to groups doing this work.

10. Organize.

11. Hold events.

12.  Hold the CDC and DHHS to their commitment to address these issues.

13. Become familiar with the legal system and know how to use our Civil Rights Laws. They might be under attack right now but as long as we have them, lets use them!

14. Learn about what our opposition is doing.

15. Refrain from resorting to the attacks and negative tactics used by our opposition.

16. Teach ways of inclusion... in all aspects. Religion isn’t the problem. Use the affirming ones to help spread the message instead of lumping them all together as bad.

17. Don’t be satisfied with small progresses. Refer back to Action #2. It’s the radical edge that pushes us all to find new ways of interacting and challenges us all to grow.

18. Work together. There is no such thing as an army of 1. That causes burn-out and bitterness. Instead strive for an army of all acting as 1.

19. Support each other.

20. Don't stop acting!

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