Friday, May 30, 2008

Christian Civics?

Yesterday I attended a conference on LGBTQ Health. While there I was informed that an “undercover agent” was also there from the Christian Civic League. Let me explain 2 things. 1. for all my out-of-state readers, the Christian Civic League is Maine’s equivalent of the Fred Phelps group. They are an extremely right-wing conservative group of meddling hate-mongers. They have worked constantly to confront all LGBTQ progress in Maine with some success. Most recently, they started a referendum to repeal our Civil Right’s Act, to abolish our High School Civil Right’s Teams, to ban gay marriage and civil unions, and to ban gay adoption. It’s a far reaching petition. One that the executive director “justifies” because he feels that groups should not be rewarded for their “sexual misbehaviors”. The ironic part of all this is that there is much speculation that the executive director of the CCL himself is a closeted gay man. 2. I need to qualify the part about the “undercover agent”. Not to perpetuate stereotypes, but he was a large man wearing a Red Sox windbreaker with jeans. He stuck out like a sore thumb. If that wasn’t telling enough his bright red blushing cheeks were.

The CCL agent went into several of the workshop sessions and took notes and pictures of people attending as well as the flip charts that were created. After the sessions he sought out some people to ask questions about comments that were made during the session. For example: in one session a gentleman talked about the work he does in his church. The CCL agent asked for the church’s denomination.

At one of the sessions I had the pleasure of sitting at the same table with the CCL agent. After the session was over I quickly took the chance to say hi. “I noticed you’re from the Christian Civic League. I think it’s great that they are supportive of you coming here.” He didn’t like that statement or the connotation it inferred. He gave me the cold shoulder, abruptly walking away but then spun around to bluntly ask “Are you a man or a women?” I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled. He continued, “I’m going to guess you’re a man trying to be a woman?” I replied, “No.” He still wasn’t satisfied, “Biologically?” Again, I replied, “No.” Frustrated he walked away and shortly after the session he left the entire conference. Apparently after 2 sessions and our interactions his gayness-meter was showing that he was in danger of having something rub off on him and had to leave. Pity. 

The attached link will take you to the CCL's website where they did a write-up on the Health Summit. Notice how they skillfully use derogatory terms to make the HEALTH summit read as a disease meeting of "homos and trannies". Their negative spin and slander against these groups is very sad. Christian? I don't think so. Not Christ like at all!

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