Saturday, May 31, 2008


Recently I had someone question me about my blog entires. She asked why I continually out myself and question a system which sometimes allows me to  "pass" as female and sometimes allows me to "pass as male".
For clarification (because although I know what my posting intents are but others might not get it)- I out myself in my blog on a regular basis and write about my experiences where my gender [expression] is challenged, not in an attempt to reinforce gender or gender roles, but rather to challenge gender itself. If the gender dichotomy truly did exist in as rigid a format as many would have you believe then how is it that I (along with countless others) can so easily create confusion in other people based on our gender expressions, mannerisms, etc?
Julia Serano puts it quite well in her book "Whipping Girl" when she states "I have found that women and men are not separated by an insurmountable chasm, as many people seem to believe. Actually, most of us are only a hormone prescription away from being perceived as the 'opposite' sex."
So, while I might take the time in my postings to point out the presence of gender markers in my experiences, it's not to accuse those I have interacted with as having made a "wrong" assumption, but rather to point out that even with such blatant gender markers (secondary sex characteristics), such as visible facial hair, people still struggle with their decision to classify others into male or female. Thus the inherent flaw in the gender dichotomy theory. Thus also proving that there is an amazing ease with which gender fluidity occurs and can be achieved.

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