Monday, June 12, 2006

A Little Boy Lost In The Woods

Once upon a time in a fairy kingdom far away there lived a little boy. I say little because he was smaller than all the other boys in his class but he was still much bigger than the hobbits and elves and fairies from in the wood.

One day this boy had a hard day at school. He got picked on for being so small. His classmates told him he was too small to be useful for anything. So, he cried and ran into the woods. It wasn't long before he realized he was lost. It didn't matter how hard he tried to find the way out of the woods- he couldn't find the way.

In his searching, the little boy came across a hobbit who was picking strawberries. The hobbit had picked so many berries it couldn't carry them all. The boy offered to help carry them. All of the berries fit neatly into the boys cupped hands and the two walked to the hobbits house together. The hobbit pointed the way out of the woods and the boy continued on.

Soon, he came across an elf who was stuck under a fallen tree and couldn't get out. The little boy was able to pick up the sapling and the elf got out. Again, the boy was pointed to the way out and on he went.

Just when he thought he was getting out of the forest, the boy heard a cry for help. A fairy had flown into a spiders web that was up between two trees. The little boy was too short to reach the web and he thought he was no good. But the fairy talked to him. The fairy said that we are all really only as small as we feel and that the boy could do whatever he wanted to- he just had to try. The boy wasn't too sure but he wanted to help the fairy. So he closed his eyes and imagined he could reach the fairy. He couldn't believe it! The little boy could feel the fairy's hand grabbing his finger! The fairy was free! Theo boy opened his eyes to see how he did it but all he saw was the fairy in front of him and the spiders web still way up high.

The fairy winked and pointed out to the boy how he had been big enough to help the hobbit and the elf and that he just needed to remember he was as good as any of the other boys. It doesn't matter how little of how big we are. The important part is how little or how big we feel. The fairy gave the boy a kiss and at last the boy was shown the way back home. From that day on it never bothered him when the kids picked on him for being small. He felt proud of what he did and what could do and that made him big.

(This story a product of sleep deprivation and the provokation of a friend. The author takes no responsibility for any incoherence or repetition that might or might not be present. Some viewers may find this subject matter to be offensive. If you are one of them, I feel sorry for you and I wish you many blessings as you search for the start to your journey of personal development.)

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